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Forum » General » Regulament/Rules » Regulament/Rules
xXx_vasya_xXxData: Monday, 2012-09-03, 4:45 PM | Mesaj # 1
Group: Admins
Posts: 12
Awards: 10
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

Utilizarea acestui forum se face sub autoritatea regulilor stabilite. Luarea la cunostinta si acceptarea acestui regulament in aceasta forma se face in momentul in care va inregistrati pe forum sau ori de cate ori administratorii forumului considera ca este necesara actualizarea sa.

Administratorii forumului isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica acest regulament oricand considera ca este necesar. Utilizatorii forumului au obligatia de a se conforma regulamentului cu ultimele sale actualizari.

Regulament General

1. Utilizati corect limba romana(folositi cuvinte intregi, virgula, punctul si cratima) , NU folositi limbaj de Chat
2. Folositi butonul "Raporteaza acest mesaj" doar In cazul in care utilizatorul nu a fost sanctionat / avertizat de un membru al staff-ului. De asemenea completati campul “Motiv” cat mai explicit posibil.
3. Dublul post este interzis in orice categorie a forumului, acceptandu-se in conditiile in care nimeni nu a postat dupa dumneavoastra in decurs de 24 de ore. Daca mai aveti ceva de adaugat, dati edit la primul post si completati , specificand ce ati adaugat cu "EDIT".
4. Atacul la persoana, jignirea sub orice forma a membrilor forumului, folosirea de cuvinte obscene, amenintatoare, abuzive sau indecente, comportament nepotrivit sunt strict interzise.
5. Incercati sa nu mai faceti off-topic, raspundeti concrect fara mesaje scurte inutile care au fost deja postate.
6. Inregistrarea cu nume obscene/jignitoare duce la banarea sau stergerea contului.
7. Crearea de clone ( mai multe conturi detinute de un utilizator ) este strict interzisa. Descoperirea se va pedepsi cu suspendarea permanenta a conturilor clona si suspendarea pe o perioada de 2 saptamani a contului principal.
8. Postarea de reclama (inclusiv imaginile/link-urile din avataruri, semnatura/status, posturi ce nu au legatura cu subiectul...etc) este strict interzisa si se pedepseste cu banarea permanenta a contului.
9. Postarea de articole copiate de pe alte site-uri fara sursa este interzisa.
10. Unele categorii din forum au reguli separate deci va rugam sa le cititi si pe acestea.
11. Folositi "Cauta" inainte de a scrie un articol sau o problema, este posibil ca articolul sau problema respectiva sa fi discutat pe forum inainte.
12. Orice fel de continut cu caracter erotic va fi sters, iar daca este necesar se vor aplica avertismente.
13. Restrictii reclame :
a) Reclama este permisa in subiecte atat timp cat ele au legatura cu idea care se discuta.
b) In semnatura este permisa o singura reclama SIMPLA de tip TEXT cu dimensiunea fontului setat pe NORMAL
c) Reclama nu este permisa in campurile personale gen: Locatie, SteamID, etc.
d) Nu aveti voie sa deschideti topicuri cu referire exacta la un site in scopul obtinerii de vizite, se considera reclama !
14. Convorbiriile pe Yahoo Messenger si Skype nu au legatura cu forumul!

Subiecte si raspunsuri (New Thread & Post Reply):

1. Utilizarea unui scris anormal (ex. salz, tze faki, hai q mine) duc la suspendarea temporara a contului dumneavoastra pe forum (aici intra si utilizarea "smiley"-urilor in exces sau a CapsLock-ului).
2. Este interzisa deschiderea unui subiect pe aceeasi tema daca acel subiect exista deja.
3. Este interzisa vanarea topicurilor (post-hunting), cu reply-uri de genul: "frumos, tare, naspa".
4. Pentru a primi un raspuns cat mai repede titlul subiectului trebuie sa fie cat mai optimizat si concret.
5. Raspunderea exagerata in anumite subiecte poate fii sanctionat prin warn/ban.
6. Raspunsurile trebuie sa fie corecte si concrete, nu pe langa subiect.
7. Raspunsurile care contin cuvinte obscene, pornografice, rasiste sau de proasta natura sunt raportate si luate in colimatoriu de catre Administratorii si Moderatorii forumului.
8. Puneti un titlu corespunzator subiectului.

[color=blue]Obligatiile Moderatorilor:

1. Sa aibe un comportament corespunzator, sa nu sufere de acces si sa ajute membrii forumului.
2. Sa dea explicatii clare cand baneaza sau avertizeaza un membru.
3. Sa editeze orice post in care se abuzeaza de smile-uri.
4. Sa sterga orice post care contine reclama de orice fel.
5. Sa ajute useri forumului in probleme aparute.
6. Sa nu inchida subiectele de la "Discutii Generale" si in locurile unde se cere ajutorul.
7. Moderatori/Administratori: Userii care au pus un titlu necorespunzator editati-l.

Semnatura apare sub fiecare post pe care il faceti pe forum, acesta nu trebuie sa fie mare, nu trebuie sa contina reclama.
Avatarul este imaginea folosita de orice utilizator, acesta aparand in mini-profilul din stanga fiecarui post.
Chat-ul este pentru discutii libere intre membri, iar pentru orice probleme va rugam sa folositi forumul.
Mesaje Private este un mijloc de comunicare privat intre minim 2 membri si poate fi folosit de oricine indiferent de rang.


Ultimul update a fost ultima data pe 3.09.2012

Use of this forum is under the authority of the established rules. Acknowledgment and acceptance that regulation in this form is when you register on the forum or the forum administrators whenever deemed necessary updating.

Forum administrators reserve the right to update this policy at any time considered necessary. Forum users are required to comply with the regulation in its latest update.

1. Use correct Romanian (entire word, comma, dot and dash), do not use chat language
2. Use the "Report this post" only if the user has not been penalized / warned by a member of staff. Also fill in "Reason" as explicit as possible.
3. Double post is allowed in any category of the forum, we accept given that no one has posted after you within 24 hours. If you have something to add, please edit the first post and fill, stating you have added the "EDIT".
4. Personal attacks, insults of any kind of forum members, use of obscene words, threatening, abusive or indecent, inappropriate behavior is strictly prohibited.
5. Try not to make off-topic, reply concrect without unnecessary short messages have been posted.
6. Registration of names obscene / offensive lead to a ban or delete your account.
7. Creating clones (multiple accounts owned by a user) is strictly prohibited. Discovery shall be punished with permanent suspension of accounts clone and suspension for a period of 2 weeks main account.
8. Posting advertising (including images / links in avatars, signatures / status positions unrelated to the subject ... etc.) is strictly prohibited and punishable by permanent banning of your account.
9. Posting articles copied from other sites is prohibited without power.
10. Some forum categories have different rules so please read them both.
11. Use the "Search" before writing an article or a problem, your article or issue that was being discussed on the forum before.
12. Any kind of erotic character content will be removed, and if necessary warnings will apply.
13. Restrictions ads:
a) Advertising is permitted as long as the topics they talk about that idea.
b) The signature is allowed only one simple ad text with font size set to NORMAL
c) Advertising is not permitted in personal fields like: Location, SteamID, etc..
d) You may not open threads with exact reference to a site visit in order to obtain, consider advertising!
14. Yahoo Messenger and Skype call unrelated forum!

Topics and Answers (New Thread & Post Reply)
1. Using an unusual writing (eg salz, tze faki, let q me) lead to the temporary suspension of your account on the forum (here enter and use "smiley" s excess or CapsLock site).
2. It is forbidden to open a topic on the same theme if the topic already exists.
3. Hunting is forbidden topics (post-hunting), the reply's like "nice, hard, suck".
4. To receive an answer as soon as the topic title should be as specific optimized.
5. Liability issues may be exaggerated in certain sanctioned by warn / ban.
6. Responses must be accurate and true, not off-topic.
7. Responses that contain obscene, pornographic, racist or bad nature are reported and taken into colimatoriu by administrators and forum moderators.
8. Put a proper title subject.

Moderators obligations:
1. To have appropriate behavior, not to suffer and access help forum members.
2. Give clear explanations and cautions when banning a member.
3. Edit any post that abuses smiles.
4. To delete any post that contains advertising of any kind.
5. Forum to assist users in emerging issues.
6. Do not close threads from "General Discussion" and in places where they ask for help.
7. Moderators / Administrators: Users who improperly put a title edit it.

Signature appears below each post you make on the forum, it does not have to be great, must not contain advertising.
Avatar is the image used by any user, it appeared in the mini-profile to the left of each post.
Chat is for open discussions between members, and for any questions please use the forums.
Private messaging is a private means of communication between at least two members and can be used by anyone regardless of rank.


Last update was last on 03/09/2012
Forum » General » Regulament/Rules » Regulament/Rules
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